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2013.10.08 胸骨下段小切口冠状动脉旁路移植治疗右位心完全器官转位合并三支血管病变1例

图1 X线胸片显示右位镜面心,合并完全性脏器转位;图2 冠状动脉造影显示3支血管病变,累及左前降支、回旋支和右冠状动脉;图3小切口微创不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植术中血管吻合患者 女,65岁。间断胸闷、胸痛1年。x线胸片显示右位镜面心(图1),腹部超声证实完全性脏器转位。冠状动脉造影显示3支血管病变,左前降支开口90%狭窄,回旋支近中段50%-80%狭窄,右冠状动脉近段99%狭窄,不适合经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(图2)。经胸体表心脏超生多普勒检查左心室射血分数(LVEF)0.74。心电图显示Ⅱ、Ⅲ和AVF导联ST抬高,v4到V6导联ST压低。不停跳冠状动脉旁路移植手术(OPCAB)指征明确。查看更多

2012.09.19 第1届免疫疾病世界研讨会

Organized by the professional organization- China Liaoning Society for Immunology and Institute of Immunology, China Medicinal University, the 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Diseases is designed to provide a small and cross disciplinary carefully selected current topics in immunology, from the basic science to clinical treatment. Over 300 global specialists are anticipated to get together to present and share their cutting-edge developments and up-to-date researches in pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and clinical presentation of important immune diseases. We are convinced ISID-2010 will definitely offer an idea platform for promotion and collaboration for relevant companies and institutes of their technologies, products and services.The 1st Annual International Symposium on Immune Disease 2010 (ISID-2010) will include either oral or poster presentations in both academic and industrial settings. All the faculty, academic, clinical and industrial researchers will have their own presentation means to join this event.The conference venue, Beijing is the bilingual and multicultural capital city of China. On August 8, 2008, Beijing brought the world a great surprise for the Olympics opening ceremony. We are sure Beijing will provide an ideal location for what promises to be an exciting and memorable meeting.We look forward to seeing you in Beijing for a stimulating and enjoyable Conference!会议主席:中国医科大学院士 陈洪铎教授会议副主席:中国医科大学 吕昌龙教授会议执行主席:中国医科大学 单凤平教授

2023.02.17 还在给先兆流产查孕酮?保胎首选口服还是阴道用药?一文解答

: 31067371.4.Wahabi HA, Fayed AA, Esmaeil SA, Bahkali KH. Progestogen for treating
时隔 10 年更新!一起来看看 AUA LUTS/BPH 管理指南要点

2022.11.18 时隔 10 年更新!一起来看看 AUA LUTS/BPH 管理指南要点

, Gandhi MC, Kaplan SA, Kohler TS, Martin L, Parsons JK, Roehrborn CG, Stoffel
多部位疼痛要警惕!|5.12 国际纤维肌痛日

2022.11.18 多部位疼痛要警惕!|5.12 国际纤维肌痛日

):140-145.[7].Provan SA, et al. Fibromyalgia in patients with rheumatoid
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